A little rant.

Life's been boring. I suppose this is better than things going bad, but things have been painfully average for me recently.

I haven't written in a few months, so I figured I'd use this blog post as an excuse to rant. Not to vent - those are two different things and I'd much prefer not to use a blogging site as a substitute for therapy - but I just want a way to express how I've been feeling recently.

Anxiety is a horrible, horrible feeling, and I've been feeling a fair bit of that recently. From a purely objective standpoint, I have nothing to be anxious about, or at least nothing that wouldn't cause the average person to have anxiety - I'll be the first to tell you that I am extremely fortunate to be in the position I'm in now. But that's the thing about mental health: it never discriminates and can affect anyone.

HOWEVER: if there's one thing that has helped me, it's this image:

Admittedly this made me laugh super hard at first, because at face value it genuinely is pretty funny. But as I thought about its meaning more, I came to realize that this image does have an element of truth to it. 

So the first thing I decided to do was make a plan for myself: if I started to feel anxious, I would wait until 9 PM. If it goes away by then, great - but if it's still there, I would then know not to worry and things would be fine. 

I honestly wish I was joking when I say that a Sonic The Hedgehog meme that some random Reddit shitposter made has helped me deal with my anxiety; but alas, here we are. Such is life. 

Funny how everything works sometimes. I guess you never truly know where life is going to take you.


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